Should I start a petition?
Yep, petitions are a great idea! They're a way of showing how many people support your campaign, which is of course super important. Also, if your campaign goes through the roof and you manage to get 100,000 signatures, politicians will have to address the issue in Parliament. So get cracking!
How do I start a petition?
There are lots of websites that let you make petitions. One option is the Government’s Number 10 website which has everything you need. Other options include 38 Degrees and Petition Online.
How about polls?
Polls are a good idea; they’re a way of generating some interesting stats about your campaign. E.g.: If your campaign is about sex education and 78% of people that took your poll say that they disagree with how it’s currently taught, you can shout about that from your campaign cyberspaces.
Should I do polls on Facebook?
Again, there are lots of websites that do polls but Facebook is a good place to do one cos people are on there all the flippin’ time! Have a butcher’s at Polls on Facebook. And try to make sure your poll will grab people’s attention – think of a juicy question that relates to your campaign.
What should I do once I’ve got lots of supporters?
That IS a juicy question! Once you’ve got a good amount of people who are supporting your campaign, you should keep them updated with progress, reply to as many of their comments and questions as possible, and generally get them involved.