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Change, yeah?

If you feel passionate about an issue and want to do something to change it, what do you do? Where do you start? Well, right here is the answer, with our campaign factfiles, offering you all you need to know about starting and running a campaign.

Why is campaigning important?

Campaigning isn’t just about waving placards; it’s your chance to change the world. If something is wrong, you should do something about it, right? Campaigning is about not taking stuff lying down. It’s about fighting for what you believe in. It’s about taking a stand. It’s, it’s… well you get the idea.

Can one person really make a difference?One man

Deffo. History is littered with individuals that made a difference. Gandhi made a difference. Martin Luther King made a difference. The guy who got Rage Against the Machine to number one at Christmas instead of X Factor made a difference. Our Battlefronters are making a difference. You can make a difference. You, yes, you!

How do you come up with a good campaign idea?

You should think about issues that are close to your heart; things that you truly feel passionate about. For example: Hope and Abby started their Sign Up, Speak Up, Save Lives campaign because both their siblings needed organ transplants. But it can be anything that you really, really want to change.

Does it need to have a snappy campaign name?

A sign with a silly nameWell it doesn’t have to be a lyrical masterpiece but it IS a good idea to give it a name that people will remember. It’s also worth keeping it fairly short and snappy if possible, cos that will help with setting up the campaign on things like Twitter and Facebook. Think ‘Love Music; Hate Racism’ for short and snappy-ness rather than ‘Racism Is, Like, Really Bad And Stuff But Music Is Ace Innit Lol’. See?


What will I get out of campaigning?

Lots of things, my friend. You’ll get that feeling that good people get when they do something really, really good; you’ll learn loads about making a difference and getting stuff done, you’ll become a whizz at social networking (if you’re not one already), and you might just change the world. And that’s just for starters.

Can campaigning be cool?

Campaigning is cooler than Jay-Z in a fridge! In December! What could be cooler than getting off your backend and changing the world? That’s right, nothing. Yes, it involves hard work. And yes, not everything about campaigning is glamorous. But is campaigning cool? You bet your placards, my friend.