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STOP: Gun and Knife Crime Alexander Rose

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Alexander Rose

Alex & GemmaAlexander Rose

STOP: Gun and Knife Crime

I seen you on chanel 4 on battlefront and i back you all the way - any help you need get in contact - Thanks for the campain its well needed...

mark williams, 01 January 2009 23:17

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Alexander Rose

STOP: Gun and Knife Crime

Alexander Rose London

'I was boiling inside and looked up to the sky and thought a life had gone for no reason... I just had to do something'

My campaign

Friends and family members have died because of gun and knife crime. I want young people to STOP carrying weapons and think about what else is out there, apart from joining a gang. I’m using T-shirts designs to fight the negative gangster image and I want to inspire others to do something positive too. Everyone can use what they have to do something.

My Campaign Highlights

- Meeting Bishop Desmond Tutu

- Meeting my mentor John Bird from the Big Issue

- Attending  the People’s March against gun and knife crime in London

- The Body Shop putting on a STOP event for my campaign in 100 of their stores

How can you help?

- Buy and wear one of my STOP T-shirts – and send me a pic of you in it

- Put up a STOP poster up in your school and youth club

- See if your school wants to put on a STOP workshop and let me know


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Page 1 of 28 | Next » please watch this film we have made.It is dedicated to Gemma Newman my sister who was stabbed to death by her former boyfriend in Nov 2005

kelly newman, 01 March 2009 00:36

Hi Alex, Im a photography student and my current brief is to create a series of editorial images. I have chosen to base my project on knifecrime. This is quite personal to me as my mum and sister got stabbed in leicester last year. Fortunatley they are still here to tell the tale. Im just wondering where I can get hold of your t-shirts, so I can use them in my pictures. Also, if you have any inspiring storys or comments to tell that you think I could convert into an image? I have to submit a hardback book, so im thinking of telling my personal storys on knifecrime and then researching how people arrive at knifecrime. So, if you have any inspiration for me let me know and where I can get a t-shirt.

charlie, 26 February 2009 23:58

Hi, I have stumbled across this site by accident! My name is Russell Symons and run an education project called 'Impressionable Minds'. We are based in London but get round to various schools in the UK delivering crime workshops (including Gangs, Guns and Knife crime awareness). I would love to talk with you Alex about how we can create some links. Thanks - Russell

Russell Symons, 26 February 2009 17:17

Alex i need your help ME we ave some business work to do based on making a business and my group HAVE chosen to build a business based one on gun and knife crime. so i need you to help me make our ideas more interestng becasue we wanne make a difference and get involed get back to me please TERESA

teresa, 24 February 2009 18:57

just read you interview in student bodiez..brilliant. keep up the good work. how would i be able to obtain your stop t-shirts.

jason, 23 February 2009 15:51

u ayt mate, i just want 2 let u no dat i think u're doing a really great job. i ave just been reliesed from prison after serving a 2 and a half sentence out of 5 years for violence, i have truly learn my lesson and would like 2 help in any way i can. the first step would be 2 buy on of ur t-shirts, can u please tell how 2 purchase on of your STOP t-shirts? hope 2 hear from u soon. yours sincerely, Maaz Monia

Maaz Monia, 19 February 2009 18:27

Hi Alex, Hope you are well. Hopefully Grace will have updated you on our progress in Bristol!! The link for the venue where our STOP for Fashion, fashion show is being held is attached so you can have a quick look[tt_news]=107&tx_ttnews[backPid]=5&cHash=2ec63d7445 We have the posters out and about and the fliers advertising as well. Looks like the local press are going to get involved also! We are hoping this event will really help Grace/Narasser out in their Bristol campaign!! Thanks for agreeing to be there! Laura & Sarah

Laura & Sarah, 18 February 2009 16:55

You are an inspiration to the young people out there today and we need more people like yourself promoting the detrimental effect this situation plays in society. Keep up the good work. Will you be doing any public talks/events in London in the near future? Please let me know of any details you may have.

Sabrina, 18 February 2009 10:22

also, i would be more than happy to be a volunteer to help with your campaign. email me and let me know if i can be any help

Chloe Cahill, 13 February 2009 23:42

Hi alex, i have got the t-shirt, promoted it on my myspace page and my face book 'Chloe Nicole Cahill' promoted this site also. its about time someone has spoken out. ill be supporting this until we result this problem :).

Chloe Cahill, 13 February 2009 23:19

Hi, i am the deputy manager of a hostel for homeless young men and would like to know how i can find out if Alexander (or somebody from the campaign) would come to Southampton to talk to our young people about the subject. My daughter saw the talk at the University on 11/02 and was really excited about what you are doing. please e-mail me if it is possible. thank you.

Tina Hill, 13 February 2009 20:19

Hi Everyone, Thank you for your continued support towards the campaign. Recently I've been giving speeches in the southampton area, now i'm back and will be personally answering everyone requests. Kindest Regards Alexander Rose

Alexander Rose, 13 February 2009 14:07

i fink gun and knife crim is rong because pepol get killd and when ther family find out they are in a teribl state and some pepol say cariying a gun are knife is safer than walkin around un harmed but if u cary a gun are knifef around with you are mostlikely to yous the gun are knife yourself pleas right back

kyle, 13 February 2009 11:27

Hi alex, I am 12 years old and I saw you do your speech at Southampton university today and it made me think that i could do something about it. My school is really big on things like this. I am going to talk to my head teacher tommorrow. please e-mail me back as i would love to help and i might be able to do a bit of advertising around the romsey/north baddesley area. Thanks Jay

Jay Fergusson, 11 February 2009 22:09

Hi, I have also just seen you at southampton university and would just like to say how amazing i thought you were. you do some great work and i hope you carry it on well into the future. Thank you Ethan

Ethan Fox, 11 February 2009 18:37

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