Johanna Kingman
Popularity: this is the 45th most popular campaignHi, im 17 & suffer with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome, an illness that affects 250,000 people in the uk. its debilitating, and painful yet people such as the DWP struggle to understand nor recognise the illness of us sufferers. it causes people to become house/bedbound and on average lasts 4-7 years. Ive sufferered for 2 years and had to leave my sixth form education due to it. Im now house/bedbound, its an illness that does have its ups & downs. I want to get proper recognition for this illness & the sufferers. Its hard to get proper help/support as most local health authorities dont have specialists, to have access to the specialists that there are, local PCT's have to approve funding which most dont approve. There is little research put into m.e/cfs in the uk whereas the us are doing extensive research. many thanks.