Disability: Beating ignorance with education.
Lydia Williams
Popularity: this is the 39th most popular campaignMy campaign is for the government to make it compulsory for children to be educated about disability within lessons of citizenship/PSHE. Hate crime is a growing problem, especially targeting people with disabilities. As I have a disabled sister, and have experienced this before, I think it about time something changes. The main reason why people target innocent people such as the disabled, is because they are ignorant about the condition they have. If children are taught about these different disabilities then this will make people aware that disability isn't wrong. Also, disabled people don't want to be wrapped up in cotton wool and treated differently. They want to lead normal lives and carry out their day to day activities like anybody else. So, by introducing compulsory education about disability, children can learn how to accept it, and will learn how normal it is, and how it shouldn't be an issue that is tucked away and never brought up, and will learn not to patronise, or treat them any differently. Disability should be celebrated, not disguised. So, this is why I feel my campaign is unique and will help fight disability hate crime, and will show people how to be more tolerant and accepting.