Become an Eco Enthusiast, Fairtrade Fanatic and an Anti-Child Labour Ambassdor, all in one!
Bridget Hutchings
Popularity: this is the 57th most popular campaignTopshop. H&M. George. Blue Ink... Primarni!
Next time you're struggling to make your mind up over which jeans would best suit the top you bought last week (or deciding it'd be best to buy a whole new outfit altogether!) take a moment to think about what is happening on the other side of the globe.
Desperation. Greed. Poverty.
If we all took the time to realise how our clothes were made and what they were made from, the world would be a much greener and fairer place. This is because, when realising the true reality of the clothing industry, the vast majority of people would surely refuse to buy from the many highstreet shops that have so frequently been seen to have violated human rights laws and health regulations. This would then lead to the dog-eat-dog companies having to forfeight their immoral ways and instead, invest in improving their manufacturing methods.
This campaign is raise awareness of the issues around the highstreet clothing stores to hopefully lead to much more moral ways of enjoying a good ol bit of retail therapy!