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Random Acts of Kindness Tom Robbins

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Tom Robbins

Random Acts of Kindness at a football stadiumTom Robbins

Random Acts of Kindness


Tom Robbins

Random Acts of Kindness

Tom Robbins Somerset

'Giving an umbrella to someone, carrying their shopping, giving away flowers to strangers... It can make your day.'

My campaign

My campaign is to encourage and undertake random acts of kindness. It involves going around helping people whenever I can. I'm doing this because I feel more people should be helpful in more situations. People should be more positive and happier. It's always nice to make somebody smile.

Campaign highlights:

- Meeting so many kind and interesting people: Kate Nash, the Kindness Offensive, Louise Burfitt-Dons and many more
- Persuading over 1000 football fans to hug at MK Dons Stadium
- Putting on my Kindival at Chelsea Art School on 25th April – it was a huge festival of kindness and a huge success!
- Getting so many positive comments from YOU.

How you can help:

- Send me your ideas of more random acts of kindness I can do
- Be kind!


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i walk around giving people free hugs because it makes people smile :)

deborah, 07 May 2010 11:37

If I go to a coffee shop, I sometimes pay for the next persons coffee too, but I ask the staff not to tell them who payed for it - the look on their faces when they realise their coffee is free, is great :)

Ami, 03 May 2010 12:55

Amazing! We need more people in the world like you. You should check out Profeta Gentileza from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He used to preach KINDNESS GENERATES KINDNESS - very interesting!

Gabriela, 15 April 2010 13:01

Tom, an excellent campaign, for once a campaign that can have a long term benefit to billions of people worldwide without costing anyone a cent, just a few seconds to smile at a stranger, offer a hand to someone struggling to carry shopping, or to stick on your wellies and help others clear a pond.. what a great way to make new friends and pass on a smile.

Val, 16 March 2010 05:11

Im doing a project at uni, and i want to persuade students to do a random act of kindness or be more aware of it..i really like your campaign, if you could think of anything which would inspire students that would be great...What inspired you?

Lily, 04 March 2010 13:53

this is an awesome campaing and a clear example of how small becomes big, doing someting little for someone can makes a big difference on that person wheather is bring back hope or a forgotten smile......thx tom keep up the good work, and if you need any help with the campain just hit me back and i will go anything on my power to encourge the campain

sergio white, 22 February 2010 17:05

Happy New Year Tom :) Where did the time go? How can I help? What random acts have you been up too?

dannybigsmile, 10 February 2010 22:49

Good work Laura!!! Keep up the good work.

Tom Robbins, 02 December 2009 18:15

hi today i went all day doing random acts of kindness luved it xx

Laura Hill, 02 December 2009 17:33

when i do random acts of kindness people moan at me!!!! but when i dont help people moan I can't win with people

Laura Hill, 01 December 2009 19:04

Thanks Mel and Dave, thanks for the link and the blog. Really great stuff that I will check out!

Tom Robbins, 30 November 2009 13:59

Hi Tom, enjoyed your talk at Future Democracy '09 last week. My blog post including your panel session talk is live here: All the best with the campaign, Mel Poluck.

Mel Poluck, 30 November 2009 12:48

Hey Tom, you should check out the website "omegle"- I've found it's a great way to promote kindness, and you can even do so anonymously! Best of luck mate x

Dave (fellow Battlefront campaigner), 15 November 2009 15:26

Check out The Kindness Offensive's story so far, revolving around their talk given at Kindival;

Tom Robbins, 23 October 2009 17:26

Thank you for the previous tip on checking out it's very helpful and means anyone in the uk or abroad can join in with something in their local area although I haven't found something in my area I am continuing to search through events very near me. Thank you Tom for starting up such a great campaign I think this is a really good campaign to bring people closer to one another, it definantly helps the younger people to be a bit more observant, i've always believed in doing something nice not for rewards themselves but to make someone's day that bit better. I love the fact that you have gone that step further and encouraged other people to be kind too. Keep up the good work :D

Nikki, 22 October 2009 17:07

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  • Kind games
  • Daydreaming corner
  • Kind games
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  • Kate Nash OBE delivers speech
  • Hug!
  • Magic and performers
  • Free massages
  • Free meditation
  • Free massages
  • Facepainting and workshops
  • Fun questionaires, as you can see
  • Dan Smith, Chelsea College of Art & Design
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  • Kindness Wall
  • Kindival Talks and Presentations
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