Cat and Fleur work together at an advertising agency called VCCP on the government's campaign to reduce binge drinking amongst 18-24 year olds. This ties in quite nicely with a few of the Battlefront campaigns, we feel, so we asked if they'd like to be mentors.
Cat's an expert on finding out what people's interests are, and then communicating to them in a way that they'll like. This'll come in really handy for our campaigners. Fleur also campaigns for recycling and extra holidays - both excellent causes. Especially the more holidays one.
Manpreet Darroch
'Road traffic accidents are the biggest cause of death amongst 15-19 year olds, globa...
This is a tag cloud. It eats words, but only ones about how people want to change the world. You can click on a ‘want’ to agree or disagree. The more people agree with a want, the bigger it gets, until the tag cloud starts to wish it didn’t have eyes bigger than its stomach.