Ed Griffiths & Luke Franks tweetedTwitter
Every wondered whawt Luke and Ed would look like as cupcake decorations? Well panic no more! http://twitpic.com/49r37x
“Monday 24th January - we'll be Laughter Clubbing today - it's free and better than Seal Clubbing - find out more here: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=132461540149242
Every wondered whawt Luke and Ed would look like as cupcake decorations? Well panic no more! http://twitpic.com/49r37x
A thank you video from Luke and Ed to everyone at Raw TV who produce Battlefront, and give us a kick up the ass when we are lazy.
It is now the end of our Battlefront campaign. We will be carrying on having fun and hopefully making people smile though. #battlefrontuk
A quick message from Luke and Ed thanking Tom and Derrick Tuke-Hastings for their help on our campaign. It was a pleasure to work with such professionals, and a great opportunity for us to learn a lot of skills to take into any aspect of our careers.
A quick message from Luke and Ed thanking everyone at More London for their help in putting on the Laughter Club. They were all, friendly, helpful, and a pleasure to work with.
A quick message from Luke and Ed thanking Leela Bunce for her input into our campaign. Unfortunately she was struck down by illness so could not be our laughter facilitator, but still came along to see how it all went.
A quick message from Luke and Ed thanking Dan Chilcott for his input and enthusiam for our campaign.
A quick message from Luke and Ed thanking Carol for her input and leading of our Laughter Club at The Scoop at More London.
A quick message from Luke and Ed thanking Andy Green for his input and enthusiam for our campaign.
Very much enjoyed the C4 #battlefrontuk debate. Also thought @miquitaolivers beret was quite good. http://yfrog.com/h47nhlkj
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