On Tuesday we attended the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester. With the Conservative Party having the biggest majority of MP's in government, we were keen to be there as they have a strong impact on the decisions that are made in government.
We had the privilege of sitting on two debates as panelists with Joseph sitting on the 'Young People and Money' panel in the afternoon and Hafsah on the 'Postive for Youth' panel in the evening.
We were surprised to be the only two young people to be on panels throughout the event, but also by the lack of young people present at the event...the pressure was on! However, we tried our best to represent your views to some of the most influential decision makers in the country.
It was amazing to meet Hugh Grant!
The great news is some of them have expressed an interest in supporting Monday's Walk For Work...which is mega exciting! Talking of which things are nuts right now, we're running all over the place making final arrangements but it looks to be an amazing day and the best bit is it's not too late for you to get involved!
E-mail [email protected] if your not employed, in education or training and want to be part of what looks to be the biggest celebration of young people in the UK this year.
Check out Facebook & Twitter throughout the weekend to find out more!
H & J