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World Mental Health Day is 10th October this year, and there's never been a better time to START TALKING MENTAL.

Katya's been running her campaign for just under a month... and has already had some high level support from Stephen Fry and Alistair Campbell! She's now focussing on her campaign aim to encourage the government to make provision for a youth mental health representative to work towards raising awareness about young people and mental health issues.

You can follow her campaign at or join one of the hundreds of people who've started to follow her Twitter stream since Mr Fry tweeted.

Katya's put together some helpful hints and links for anyone who is worried about their mental health. Remember you are not alone and there's loads of help at hand. The best thing we can do is start talking about mental health!

Thanks to everyone who has supported Katya's campaign so far, especially the guys at Rethink who've been brilliant.