
We are campaigning

4th March, 2011

Battlefront Debate: The Video

Highlights from last month’s big Battlefront Debate between young people and a panel of influential experts are now here for you to check out in video form.

On 15th of February, dozens of passionate young people - including our Battlefront campaigners, bloggers, students and activists – descended on Channel 4 HQ to debate big issues with a leading panel.

In the hot-seats were: Tim Loughton (Conservative MP, Minister for Children & Families), Aaron Porter (President of the National Union of Students, NUS), Jon Stopp (Head of Production: The Viral Factory), Miquita Oliver (T4 and Battlefront Show host) and Manpreet Darroch (Battlefront 08 campaigner and member of Youth Parliament)

A number of big issues were debated, all themed around young people’s right to be heard in the 21st Century. Issues such as taking a stand online, the voting age, the influence of celebs vs politicians, activism and protest, and the impact of Facebook and Twitter on campaigning.

It was a powerful, and at certain times heated, debate. There were big disagreements, rants, snubs and even the odd walk out. Check out the highlights here.

Over and out.

Big d

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